I cry for Sabra, Shatila and Lebanon Places I have never been. People I have never known.
I cry for heinous human stupidity and the audacity of evil edged on nonsensical justification. Shabra, Shatila and Lebanon…far away places that settled in my heart long ago when clarity came in the form of a young fiery Palestinian journalists called Samaa who made me understand the reality of what the other side of the power-world would rather we do not see. Samaa said to me; “ they come with their tankers and machine guns, our brave boys fight with stones and sticks yet they call us terrorists!
Just who is your god who declares your supremacy over the other? Who is your god who summons you to flatten thousands of innocent souls in the name of whatever rubbish you want to call it? Just who is your god? That child who died under your hail of bombs would be 30 today. That child would have been great; that child would today be teaching you how to love, you who is a malnourished of what makes one human! That child never died; that child will continue to slash the thorny fields of your conscious even when you think you are safe.
That child will re-humanize you one day. I swear by these tears that I shed! Thousands of kilometers far away from Sabra, Shatila & Lebanon, our minds were trained to believe the lies of the aggressor – where hate & violation came camouflaged in fake boardroom jargons. Still, we know, I know, that once upon a time, on the map of the world, there was a country called Palestine.
Today the map has changed. Where did Palestine go? I have just read about Sabra, Shatila and Lebanon and that time back in 1982 when the cowards marched into the refugee camps and exposed their rotten, twisted, darkened souls. And now it is so clear to me, just who the real terrorists are. Now I know that a terrorist is one who fears the sting of TRUTH because truth can never be silenced by a gun-shot. Truth is like a growing pregnancy, you cannot hide it with a damn bandage!! Sabra, Shatila and Lebanon, I cry for you. M.N.